Make Your Pet Move Easy with Minute Men Moving & Storage
Are you moving to a new place? Do you worry about your pet? Minute Men Moving can help you move without any stress. Pets get anxious when moving to a new place. There are unexpected activities for them and the new environment can stress them out. These challenges can be tackled with some tips that will make the moving experience of your pet easy.
Prepare an Overnight Kit: It is good to prepare an overnight kit that has enough dog food, toys, grooming tools to keep them comfortable during the first few days of unpacking.
Contact Your Vet: You should contact your vet when moving out of the area. Doing so will help you take records and any medication that you might need for your pet. Your vet might also recommend another vet in your new neighbourhood.
Keep Your Pets Away From the Action: Pets get anxious when the environment is noisy. The best way to reduce stress is to keep them in a quiet area. You can leave them with a friend or a kennel for the day. If you don’t want to keep them with a friend, you can clear out the bedroom area first and leave them in your bedroom with water and food. Make sure you check them regularly. Another good place is the garage. You can put a kennel in the garage along with food and water. Wherever you keep them, just ensure you feed them and take them for a walk at your usual time. Your pet will be happy if you follow a routine in the midst of the chaos happening in your house.
Take Your Pet in Your Vehicle: It is sensible to take your pet to the new house in your own vehicle. You can put them in a carrier, secured with a seatbelt at the back of the car. Throw a blanket over their carrier so they can’t see the environment changing outside. Doing so will help reduce their anxiety.
Don't Let Your Pet Out Until You've Arrived: We suggest you to don’t let your pet out until you’ve reached your new home. Pets can get lost in the new neighbourhood. The best way is to keep them inside the house. Doing so will give them time to adjust with the new surroundings. Take them for a walk as you would normally do in your old neighbourhood. Introduce them to the area with yourself. Take care of them, give them love, and play with them in the new area. In no time, they will get adjusted to their new home.
Keep Your Pet at Home: Move the house before you move the pet. Set up as much as you can, even just in a room, before you introduce the animal to the new home. Confine them to a section of the house while they slowly adjust to their surroundings. Give your pet lots of attention and introduce familiar objects like toys or blankets as soon as possible. Make them feel as at home as you do!
Update Their Info: For security reasons, make sure you update their tags information to the new address and phone number.
Moving With Fish: Fish are sensitive to the new environment. A move can be stressful for them. You can transport them short distance but if you’re moving long distance, the best thing for them is that you give them a new home and a friend. You can take the tank with you and buy a new fish.
Moving With Guinea Pigs: Guinea pigs also don’t respond well when being jostled around. Their hearts are weak so please take them comfortably. Take a small carrier and transport them carefully.
Moving With Birds: A feathered friend is like any other pet when it comes to moving. Even if your bird flies from time to time, they are susceptible to changes. They don’t like to be kept in a cage. You can put them in a cage but do it on the final day of moving.
Moving with pets can be quite stressful but if you follow these tips, we are sure your moving will be easy and comfortable for your pets. If you have any other questions to ask us, feel free to contact us.